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Norwalien Nouveau (2023)

Mead - Melomel * 12.5 ABV


Semi-carbonic macerated wild blueberry mead with wildflower honey. Whole wild blueberries were put in a fermenter and closed off without any yeast added and purged with CO2. The weight of all the berries crushes the blueberries at the bottom of the tank, while the ones higher up remain whole. The crushed blueberries starts spontaneously fermenting and releasing CO2, giving anaerobic conditions inside the tank, which in turn causes the whole, intact blueberries to start an intracellular, enzymatic fermentation of the juice inside each single berry. This gives a wild blueberry mead with lighter and more rounded tannins, lighter color and increased fruitiness (compared to Norwalien Happiness, which is produced with skin contact and punchdowns). Vibrant and easy-drinking, yet complex. -------------------------- 2023 -------------------------- Honey variety: Wildflower honey from two different producers located in Sande and Konnerud. Blueberry variety: Wild blueberries foraged locally from the forest (also called "bilberries") *The vintage year shows the harvest year of the ingredients*
